I consider it a privilege and honor to have been asked to write an article for Mediasalt.com. I was asked a couple weeks ago, and got the article to my good friend Cleve, but he thought it might be better if I could polish it up a bit to fit the format for their “Friday Four.” So, I rewrote the article this past week, only using a small snippet of my original thoughts, and I am glad to know that today was decided to be published.
It might not be a big deal to have the article posted, and doubtful it will draw a tremendous following back to my little piece of the web, but I am honored to be associated with a great group of Christian men who share a common desire and passion for Christ and anything dealing with the Internet or technology in general.
Cleve and Eric, thanks for the opportunity to contribute to MediaSalt.com! I look forward to the next opportunity!
article link: http://www.mediasalt.com/2009/08/28/friday-four-professional-photography-tools/